We take pride with the abilities in ways to teach your dog to exercise the body and mind that is practical in the balance of life. Trained dogs can have the freedom to have fun, interact with you through training and play that creates a stronger bond. We have the open mind that different dogs with different kinds of people learn in certain ways and they are never the same way for everyone.
Professional Trainer/Behaviorist
Jean has been training dogs for years continuously improving and updating new skills and techniques. Her dog training expertise are Behavior Consultation, Basic and Advanced obedience, Balance base training, Service Dog Training, Reactive and Aggressive dog Rehabilitation, Protection dog, tracking and AKC Canine Good Citizen, AKC Tricks, AKC Scent Work. Volunteers fostering dogs while training them to find them their forever home. Jean also Does Virtual dog training . Jean Can come to your house for training or go off site.
Jean constantly takes courses to advance her knowledge of dog training. Her experience ranges from basic obedience, Agility for Fun, PTSD, diabetic alert and other specialty training.
Reach out to Jean at Blazing Dogs to discuss your training goals.
(Bold) Trainer
Jean has been training dogs for years. Her dog training expertise are Basic and Advanced obedience, Reward base training, Reactive and Aggressive dog Rehabilitation, Protection dog, tracking and AKC Canine Good Citizen. Volunteers fostering dogs while training them to find them their forever home.
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